About Us

A great place to receive care

Medicine has existed for thousands of years. during most of which it was an art (an area of skill and knowledge) frequently haying connections to the religious and philosophical beliefs of local. culture. For example, a medicine man.

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All medical facility

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Lowest fees in city

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Experienced Doctor

A client that’s unhappy for ants reason is problem is worse.

5000+ Happy Patient

Even if your less into design and more in content strategy.

Our Services

We offer complete healthcare to individuals with various health concerns.



General Medicine






Internal Medicine






General Surgery

Need a Doctor for Check-up? Call for an Emergency Service!


Meet Our Doctors

Our administration and support staff all have exceptional people skills and trained to assist you with all medical enquiries.

What our clients say

Our administration and support staff all have exceptional people skills and trained to assist you with all medical enquiries.
Ranjana Gupta

The specialists at Chaudhary Clinic were a great help for my 10 year old son who had been suffering from intestinal atresias. I'd link to thank the doctors who were willing to diagnose the condition before recommending surgery. Thankfully, a non-surgical procedure worked fine for us.

Mithila Regmi

The staffs are super-friendly and experienced. The long stay at their facility was very pleasant. I'm back in the US now but I'd recommend Chaudhary Clinic for providing dedicated service to treat my Ovarian cyst.

Bharat Chantyal

I went in for my chest X-ray test this morning. All the staff was friendly and efficient, especially the two healthcare workers that assisted me. I'm glad that they were compassionate and didn't rush the process. The clinic was clean. The 6feet rule was enforced. Thank you!

Anuj Pudasaini

Had a nice service from Chaudhary Clinic last month. You are in a good hand if you want physiotherapy. They have experienced staffs. A wait for 15-20 minutes was a bit long, but it was worth it in the end.

Stay connect with us

We offer extensive medical procedures to outbound and inbound patients what it is and we are very proud of achievpatients for recovery
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